Hypertrichosis Research

Hypertrichosis is a genetic disorder resulting in thick patches of hair growing on the face or body. This is also known as Werewolf Syndrome and Ambras Syndrome. There are two types of the disorder, generalized hypertrichosis in which hair grows all over the body and localized hypertrichosis where the hair growth is limited to one particular area.

Hypertrichosis is caused by a mutation of the X chromosome in which an extra section of gene is found on the chromosome. Scientists believe a closely located gene, SOX3, a hair growth gene may be affected by the mutation resulting in the uncontrolled hair growth.

The symptoms of Hypertrichosis are very obvious. The affected person will experience thick abnormal growth of hair on their bodies. Men are likely to experience it on their face and eyelids. Women are likely to experience it in patches on their bodies.

The hair can be removed through normal measures but they are not effective for very long. A more succesful way to remove the hair is laser or electrolysis hair removal. However this is very expensive and some methods cant be painful so most of the affected just live with it. A normal life can be lived with this disorder, however a lot of people with hypertrichosis live very reclusive lives for obvious reasons.

Studies on hypertrichosis have taken place at the Peking Union Medical College at the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. The disorder is extremely hard to study due to the it's extreme rareness. 

There are no support groups that my research found. It would be very hard to have a support group with under a hundred people worldwide suffering from the disorder. 

ABC created a documentary about two brothers Larry and Danny Ramos Gomez. The two brothers suffer from hypertrichosis and were in a circus as children. About twenty members of their extended family suffer from the disorder. The documentary showed how despite the disorder the brothers and people like them manage to live a normal life.













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